Property Management Blog

Clearwater property management : Retaining Tenants

Property Management Blog

The Clearwater property management company advertises and markets your property to attract new tenants. In addition to that, it also helps retain your existing tenants. The company starts by giving your property the exposure it deserves. It registers your listings on numerous paid and free websites. It also utilizes print classifieds and backyard signs to attract new tenants to your property.

In addition to these proven means of advertising and marketing, the company also has effective tenant retention programs in place. The Company understands the importance of these programs and the boost they can give your business. With these programs, the tenant turnovers are reduced and so are the tenant replacement costs.

So what do these retention programs consist of?

The first thing that the property management company must do is ensure addressing the issues and concerns of tenants, promptly. Additionally, it should establish regular contacts with the tenants to assess their needs and get their feedback. The company must also provide appropriate financial incentives and be proactive in sending notices about rental rate increases with appropriate justification as towhy the rates are being increased.

Furthermore, the company can also utilize means of generating good will through the use of welcome packets, seasonal greetings and newsletters etc to the tenants.